Photo: - page 74 | Miguel Ventura – Caption: The Alcaravea mushrooms are sautéed with white wine, extravirgin olive oil, Parmesan cheese, Marsala wine, sage, basil, and oregano and then baked.
Published LCM 33
CAPRESE Mozzarella fresco, tomate, orégano, albahacas y aceite de oliva extra virgen con un toque de vinagre balsámico de módena.
Complete Photo Shoot here.
Photo: - page 44 | Miguel Ventura – Caption: Chef-proprietor Enrique Diaz cooks nightly at Alcaravea and, along with this son, has worked to keep the restaurant feeling cozy and familiar.
Published LCM 33
CAPRESE Mozzarella fresco, tomate, orégano, albahacas y aceite de oliva extra virgen con un toque de vinagre balsámico de módena.