“Quisiera que se sientan en confian-za. Que tengan la seguridad de decir las cosas como ellos creen que son o como les gustaría que fueran y trata de hacer lo posible por que sean así. Para mi “ir más allá” es hacer las cosas no por que es tu trabajo; Es hacer las cosas que no son tu traba-jo, porque es un placer.”
– Francisco
“My goal is to make clients feel comfortable. I hope to make them feel like they can tell me what they think, and how they believe things should be, and I try to make it happen. To me “going the extra mile” means to do things that aren’t my job. I believe “go-ing the extra mile” genuinely means doing things because it’s “my pleasure”.
Mr.Cane was in trouble. August-September is the peak of hurricane season in the Pacific. Warm wa-ters rise up into the heav-ens, warm and cold air begins to waltz.
Many dangers are associated with hurricanes, flooding, strong winds, and tornados. Longi-tudinally the Baja Peninsula is at the heart of hurricane activity. As hurricanes rise up and meet the Baja they’re weakened by cooler waters, land’s-end is only met by a moderate glimpse of these behemoth forces. Safeguarded by cooling waters, lands-end is more often than not spared from confronting mother’s wrath. And is at most drizzled upon, which is a well-welcomed caress.
The desert is often forgone by mother. Left to its own resources. As such, certain flourishings cease into the desert landscape, hidden neath white ash. Water’s path through the land is hidden in this manner. Veins become mistaken for roads.
After work, you go home, get comfortable, turn the tv on. Crack open a beer. It’s a rainy day. It’s soothing even.
Mr.Cane’s number appears on the phone. It’s 8pm. Francisco is a salesman. The rain titters outside.
So Mr.Cane is stuck. In a vein. Not a road, a path of water. Tears join together as they make their way through the land into a snake that takes as its own everything in its path. Fuller and ever more forceful the closer it gets to the sea.
Strong enough to bury a 2018 Chevrolet Sub-urban in its path. In fact, one buried up to the chassis in mud and flowing water sat Mr.Cane, now on the phone speaking to his salles rep, Francisco.
I’m stuck, I can’t move. I can’t get out of the car. What should I do?
Yes, Everyones alright.
Mr.Cane is told to stay put. No GPS to rely on, just a broad area. Mr.Cane and his wife are near La playita.
“We’re on our way.”
Francisco meets up with Esau to commandeer another Ten Car Rental Suburban out to find Mr & Mrs. Cane. La Playita is amidst a large lot of land with many off roads. Mr & Mrs. Cane would be on one of these. In pitch black.
The rain stopped, the flashflood subsided, it was about 12:00am when Ten Car Rental found Mr & Mrs. Cane. The suburban still buried up to its doors, a little digging allowed the doors to open and the Cane’s to exit the vehicle.
Francisco handed over the keys to the fresh, unscathed, commandeered Ten Car Rental Suburban and sent the Cane family safely on their way. Back to their Hotel. Back to their vacation.
The end? No, not yet. So, Towtrucks will not come out this far. Will not come out when it’s raining and will for sure not do the lot of it at 12am.
Francisco and Esau now need to recover the Cane’s Suburban so they can get back. Yeah, the suburban buried up to its chassis. And being it all went down really quickly, the boys didn’t have tools with them.
Digging with sticks it is!
It took a while. Esau & Francisco had to dig the tires out of the mud with their trusty sticks, that accomplished, still, it wouldn’t budge. Nearby debris was the godsend to retrieving the Suburban from the mud. A slab of sheet roof brought along by the rapids pushed under the rear wheel acted like a ramp and provided the necessary traction to succeed in its excavation. It was about 4am when Fracisco made it back home.
Just in time for breakfast.
Ten Car Rental
Ten Car Rental offers its customers the opportunity to travel to Los Cabos with the best Rental Car price available. All our rates include: Free mileage, pick up and drop off at the Airport, taxes, and our exclusive “No Worries Protection Program”. Get a 10% off when paying online. Their 2021 special is Prepaying for 6 days and getting the 7th day free. This offer is valid only upon prepay-ment on their website; www.tencarrental.com. Drivers must meet all Ten Car Rental requirements. Not valid in conjunction with other offers, and Renters must meet Ten Car Rental terms & conditions.
Purple Safety Program
At Ten Car Rental were committed to our customers. During these trying times, we’ve been working on a program focused on disinfecting our facilities and vehicles. The program’s main objective is to make the cus-tomer feel confident when renting a Ten Car Rental car.
The “Purple Safety Program” Plan is an improved disinfection and cleaning process consisting of 15 points that follow the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. All of our vehicles are sealed and certified after undergoing the cleaning process. Assuring the vehicle is delivered to our customers completely sanitized.
Our specialized personnel in charge of the vehicles has been trained in the Purple Safe-ty cleaning and disinfection process.
Ten Car Rental is enrolled in the Good Practices National Program for the Hygien-ic Quality of Mexican MSMEs “Clean Point Quality Seal” in response to health safety needs of the COVID 19 pandemic. In ac-cordance with measures established by the Secretary of Health of the Mexican Govern-ment, to guarantee the sanitized vehicles, offices, and safety measured to keep the staff healthy.
In addition, our collaborators have received training on “Recommendations for a safe return to work before COVID 19”, taught by the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS for its initials in Spanish).
All cleaning products used in Ten Car Rental are eco-friendly ECOLAB branded with BIODEGRADABILITY certificates, EPA (En-vironmental Protection Agency in the United States), and Federal Commission for the Protection of Health Risks (COFEPRIS for its initials in Spanish) which is a unit of the Federal Government.
Purple Safety Program consists of 15 points:
1. Starting vehicle inspection.
- Report of bumps, scrapes, scratches, or any damage to body work or paint.
- Gasoline level report; in case the level is below “full”, it will be filled up before continuing with the process.
- Tire inspection (tire pressure level, tire lifespan).
2. Inside Inspection. All trash must be re-moved and forgotten items are reported to the customer.
3. Inside vacuuming. Vacuuming of the front and rear area of the units is per-formed.
4. Trunk cleaning and vacuuming.
- Trunk cleaning. In case the trunk has dirt, stains, or odor, the Hiker will pro-ceed to remove them before moving to the next vacuum point.
- Trunk vacuuming.
- In case any forgotten items is found, the Hiker will inmediately inform his/her supervisor to have the item placed in a safe place.
5. Glass check and cleaning
- Broken or shattered glass: In the event of broken or shattered glass, the Hiker will notify his supervisor to have this car taken out of the active fleet for rent and the change of crystal or medallions requested.
- Inner cleaning of crystals and medal-lions.
6. Fluid systems check.
- Windshield wiper.
- Engine oil.
- Antifreeze.
7. Wiper check. In case any windshield wiper is no longer in an optimal operating condition, the Hiker will need to notify his supervisor and fill in the proper paperwork for the washing and sanitizing control.
8. Air Conditioning System check. In case the air conditioner of a unit is no longer in an optimal operating condition, the Hiker will need to notify his supervisor and fill in the proper paperwork for the washing and sanitizing control.
9. Car clock check. The Hiker must ensure that the clock that says the local time of our destination is programmed on time.
10. Elimination of inside odors. It will be necessary for the Hiker to apply the indi-cated chemicals for the removal of odors within the units such as moisture, food, cigarettes, etc.
11. Outside washing of the vehicle. Once the inside washing has been finished, the unit will be washed on the outside, which includes washing the tires and applying Almorall.
12. Vehicle’s interior deep cleaning and desinfection using ECOLAB cleaning products. Car sanitization will be car- ried out through a mist system, using an approved cleaner and disinfectant which is a bactericide, fungicide and virucidal.
13. Quality assurance final inspection. A check list is carried out by the hikers and must be delivered to the supervisor after the washing and disinfection procedure of the unit is completed.
14. Car keys sanitization. Each key is sub-jected to a process of sanitization and delivered to the customer in a sealed bag.
15. Car sealed. The unit will be fully guar-anteed and sealed after going through a complete hygiene and sanitation process.
Once the sanitization process has been completed, the car is parked in a special area where all the finished cars are located. This is where the unit is sealed with the guaranty that the car has gone through the 15-point process of our program.