Madeira Bistro – LCM 38 FALL 2014

madeira-bistro-MV-1-190x300 copyThe big, bold flavors of Brazil have arrived in Los Cabos, and that is a very, very good thing. Madeira Bistro, a deli- ciously frill-free Brazilian steak house in downtown Cabo San Lucas, treats guests to $25 U.S. all-you-can-eat din- ners that begin with garlicky bread, whipped mashed potatoes, rice, purple cabbage slaw, and chicken wings. Bonhomous servers stroll from table to table, offering up generous servings of rodízio-style top sirloin, rib eyes, barbe- cued ribs, chorizo sausage, lamb, turkey breast with bacon, arrachera, and New York steak—all cut from impressive- looking skewers. Save room for the sweet and crispy fried banana dessert. Even sweeter news: Madeira partici- pates in the Los Cabos Magazine Prepaid Voucher Program, which is often available for 50 percent off. That means the decadent all-you-can-eat din- ner is but $12.50 U.S. Intersection of Calle Vicente Guerrero and Francisco I. Madero (a half block from Cabo Wabo), Cabo San Lucas, (624) 143- 0273. Nightly 4 p.m.–11 p.m. MasterCard, Visa, and vouchers accepted. $$–$$$ A.A.

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