Mi Casa Restaurant – LCM 46 Spring 2017

Mi Casa Restaurant - LCM 46 Spring 2017It’s the rare restaurant that becomes a part of people’s vacation traditions, but that’s just what we hear time and again about Mi Casa in downtown Cabo San Lucas. The colorful restaurant goes beyond serving food and killer margaritas to also serving up excellent entertainment, delighting with its macabre decor, and sending folks home with memories (excellent trinkets and art are available in the on-site gift shop).


It takes only one visit to the restaurant’s Facebook page (www.facebook.com/micasarestaurantloscabos) to see how much folks love this place. The restaurant—part of the Mi Casa family of restaurants that also includes La Panga Antigua and Peacock’s is a celebration of traditional Mexican cuisine, art, and culture. The colorfully appointed Mi Casa invites guests to dine, explore, and linger and shop. The walls inside and out feature art and other traditional decor, and clowns, musicians, and fortunetelling birds meander. Not interested? Just wave them off and turn your focus to the menu, which includes chicken in mole, a mountainous shrimp cocktail, and perfectly cooked carnitas. Whatever you get, you will want to pair it with fresh, handmade tortillas and a jalapeño margarita. Avenida Cabo San Lucas S/N (across from Plaza Amelia Wilkes), Cabo San Lucas, (624) 143-1933, www.micasarestaurant.com.mx. Mon.–Sun. 11:30 a.m.–3 p.m., 5:30 p.m.–10:30 p.m.; Sun. 5:30 p.m.–10:30 p.m. MasterCard and Visa accepted. $–$$$ F.R.


Contact Page in Los Cabos Guide: https://www.loscabosguide.com/mi-casa-restaurant/